Meet our team!

You've seen our products, now see who makes them! There are a lot of people who make it possible for Numix to deliver the best quality themes out there.

Current Members

photo of Andreas
Andreas Angerer - Designer

Made brilliant and numerous contributions to our icon themes, especially our base theme which is the underpinning for all our app themes.

photo of Dustin
Dustin Falgout - Developer

Helps develop the GTK theme, maintain the AUR packages, and to top it all off develops the Antergos Linux distro.

photo of Khurshid
Khurshid Alam - Developer, Packager

Oversees maintainance of the GTK theme and lends a hand with packaging.

photo of Sascha
Sascba Spreitzer - Packager

Builds and maintains the packages for Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS.

Vincent Bermel - Designer

With over a 1000 commits to Core, Vincent is responsible for Circle and Square being the most complete themes out there.


These people worked with us in the past and played a big part in our sucess and where we are today.

photo of Joern
Joern Konopka - Founder

Created the original Numix icon theme and got the ball rolling with the wider projects.

photo of Georgi
Georgi Karavadilev - Lead Designer

The artist behind the current designs of all our current icon themes, including Circle and Square.

photo of Josh
Josh Fogg - Director, Designer, Developer

Handled business enquiries and oversaw maintainence of the icon themes. Occasional programmer.

photo of Paolo
Paolo Rotolo - Developer

Android guru and developer extrodinaire, Paolo drove the development and maintainence of all our Android apps.

photo of Satyajit
Satyajit Sahoo - Designer

The brains behind our GTK themes. Satya helped shape these over the years and make them into the polished product they are today.

photo of Ahmar
Ahmar Siddiqui - Webdev, Sysadmin

Ahmar kept the previous iterations of our website ticking over and handled maintainence of the Numix Store.

photo of Branden
Branden McCully - Social Media Manager

Our resident social media guru, helped keep our socials spinning for a time.